Publications from the lab members are presented by general topic area, and within each topic area by year.

Agroecology – general

Krupnik, T.J, J.A. Andersson, L. Rusinamhodzi, M. Corbeels, C. Shennan, and B. Gérard. 2019. Does size matter? A critical review of meta-analysis in agronomy. Experimental Agriculture. 59:200-229.

Shennan, C., T.J. Krupnik. G. Baird, H. Cohen, K. Forbush, R. Lovell, and E. Olimpi. 2017. Organic and Conventional Agriculture: A useful framing? Annual Review Environment and Resources. In press

Co-author – National Research Council report, 2010. “Towards sustainable agricultural systems in the twenty-first century” National Academies Press

Reganold, J.P., D. Jackson-Smith, S.S. Batie, R.R. Harwood, J.L. Kornegay, D. Bucks, C.B. Flora, J.C. Hanson, W.A. Jury, D. Meyer, A. Schumacher, Jr., H. Sehmsdorf, C. Shennan, L.A. Thrupp, and P. Willis. 2011. Transforming U.S. agriculture. Science 332:670-671

Shennan, C. 2008. Biotic Interactions, Ecological Knowledge and Agriculture. Phil. Trans. Royal Society B. 363: 717-729

Anaerobic soil disinfestation

Mao,Y.; Hafeez, A.;Wu, C.; Wang, L.; Muramoto, J.; Shennan, C.; Cai, K.;Tian, J.  Suppression of tomato bacterial wilt by anaerobic soil disinfestation associates with production of antagonistic compounds. Under review

Daugovish O, Muramoto J, Shennan C, Zavatta M. Plant-Derived Carbon Sources for Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation in Southern California. Glob J Agric Innov Res Dev. 2021; 8: 87-93. DOI:

Hewavitharana, S.S.; Klarer, E.; Muramoto, J.; Shennan, C.; Mazzola, M. 2021. Analysis of Environmental Variables and Carbon Input on Soil Microbiome, Metabolome and Disease Control Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation. Microorganisms 2021, 9, 1638.

Zavatta, M., Muramoto, J., Mazzola, M. and C. Shennan. 2021.Rotation length, crop rotation, anaerobic soil disinfestation and mustard seed meal affect organic strawberry yield and soil-borne disease incidence in California. Acta Horticulturae DOI:10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1309.72

Zavatta, M., Muramoto, J., Milazzo, E., Koike, S., Klonsky, K., Goodhue, R. and C. Shennan. 2021. Integrating broccoli rotation, mustard meal, and anaerobic soil disinfestation to manage verticillium wilt in strawberry. Crop Protection 146:105659 DOI:10.1016/j.cropro.2021.105659

Sun, J. et al. 2021. Complete chloroplast genome sequencing of ten wild Fragaria species in China provides evidence for phylogenetic evolution of Fragaria. Genomics 113(3). DOI:10.1016/j.ygeno.2021.01.027

Shennan, C., J. Muramoto, G. Baird, M. Zavatta, L. Nobua, B., and Mazzola, M. 2020. Effects of crop rotation, anaerobic soil disinfestation and mustard seed meal on disease severity and organic strawberry production in California. Acta Hortic. 1270. ISHS 2020. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1270.7

Muramoto, J., Shennan, C., Mazzola, M., Wood, T., Miethke, E., Resultay, E., Zavatta, M., and Koike, S.T. 2020Use of a summer cover crop as a partial carbon source for anaerobic soil disinfestation in coastal California.  Acta Hortic. 1270. ISHS 2020. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1270.4

Rosskopf, E.N., Di Gioia, F., Hong, J., Ozores-Hampton, M., Zhao, X., Black, Z., Gao, Z., Wilson, C., Thomas, J., Jones, J., Sattanno, K., DeLong, A., Swisher, M., Kokalis-Burelle, N., Wang, J., Li, Z., Shi, L., Pisani, C., Guo, H., Zhu, Q., Paudel, B., Johns, C.W., Finley, N., Muramoto, J., Albano, J., and Shennan, C. 2020. Anaerobic soil disinfestation:  Areawide project on obstacles and adoption. Acta Horticulturae 1270 ISHS 2020.

Nieto, D., Letourneau, D., Toyama, L., Bryer, J., Slay, C., Muramoto, J., and Shennan, C. 2019. Assessing anaerobic soil disinfestation as a control tactic for Delia radicum (Diptera: Anthomyiidae)) in California Brussels sprouts. Environmental Entomology, 48:633-640.

Mazzola, M., Muramoto, J. and Shennan, C. 2018. Anaerobic disinfestation induced changes to the soil microbiome, disease incidence and strawberry fruit yields in California field trials.  Applied Soil Ecology 127:74-86

Shennan, C., Muramoto, J., Baird G., Daugovish, O., Koike, S., Fenimore, S., Bolda M., Rosskoph, E., Butler, D, Kokalis Burrelle, N., Klonsky, K. and Mazzola, M. 2017.  Anaerobic soil disinfestation is a potential alternative to fumigation for control of some soil borne pathogens in strawberry production.  Plant Pathology Doi: 10.1111/ppa.12721

Rosskopf, E., Serrano-Pérez, P, Hong, J., Shrestha, U., del Carmen Rodríguez-Molina, M., Martin, K., Kokalis-Burelle, N., Shennan, C., Muramoto, J. and D. Butler. 2016 Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation and Soil Borne Pest Management.  In: Organic Amendments and Soil Suppressiveness in Plant Disease Management. Edited by M.K. Megavansi and A. Varma. pp 277-305. Springer International Switzerland.

Shennan, C., J. Muramoto, G. Baird, M. Zavatta, L. Toyama, M. Mazzola, and S.T. Koike. 2015. Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD): a strategy for control of soil borne diseases in strawberry production. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 1137:113-120

Muramoto, J., Shennan, C., Zavatta, M., Baird, G., Toyama, L., Mazzola, M. 2015. Effect of Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation and Mustard Seed Meal for Control of Charcoal Rot in California Strawberries. International Journal of Fruit Science. DOI:10.1080/15538362.2016.1199993

Mazzola, M., Hewavitharana, S. S., Strauss, S. L., Shennan, C., and Muramoto, J. 2015. Anaerobic soil disinfestation and Brassica seed meal amendment alter soil biology and system resistance. International Journal of Fruit Science doi:10.1080/15538362.2016.1195310

Muramoto, J., Shennan, C., Baird, G., Zavatta, M., Koike, S.T., Daugovish, O., Bolda, M.P., Dara, S.K., Klonsky, K., Mazzola, M. 2014. Optimizing Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for California Strawberries. Acta Horticulturae 1044:215-220.

Zavatta, M., Shennan, C., Muramoto, J., Baird, G, Koike, S.T., Bolda, M.P., Klonsky, K. 2014. Integrated Rotation Systems for Soilborne Disease, Weed and Fertility Management in Strawberry/Vegetable Production. Acta Horticulturae 1044:269-274.

Shennan, C. Muramoto, J, Mazzola, M, Butler, D, Rosskoph, E., Kokalis-Burelle, N. Momma, K, Kobara, Y, Lamers, J. 2014. Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for Soil Borne Disease Control in Strawberry and Vegetable Systems: Current Knowledge and Future Directions. Acta Horticulturae 1044:165-175.

Butler, D.M., Kokalis-Burelle, N., Albano, J.P., McCollum, T.G., Muramoto, J, Shennan, C., and Rosskopf, E.N. 2014. Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD) Combined with Soil Solarization as a Methyl Bromide Alternative: Vegetable Crop Performance and Soil Nutrient Dynamics. Plant and Soil 378(1-2): 365-381

Fennimore, S., Serohijos, R., Samtani, J. B., Ajwa, H. A., Subbarao, K.V. , Martin, F.N., Daugovish, O. , Legard, D. , Browne, G. T., Muramoto, J., Shennan, C., and K. Klonsky. 2013. TIF film, substrates and nonfumigant soil disinfestation maintain fruit yields. California Agriculture 67(3):139-146.

Mazzola, M, Muramoto, J. and C. Shennan 2012. Transformation of soil microbial community structure in response to anaerobic soil disinfestation for soil-borne disease control in strawberry. Abstract Am. Phytopathological Society.

Butler, D., Kokalis-Burelle, N., Muramoto, J., Shennan, C., McCollum, T.G. and E.N. Rosskopf. 2012 Control of soil-borne plant pathogens and plant-parasitic nematodes by anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) in raised-bed vegetable production. Crop Protection 39:33-40

Butler, D., Rosskopf, E.N., Kokalis-Burelle, N., Albano, J.P., Muramoto, J., and Shennan, C. 2011. Exploring warm-season cover crops as carbon sources for anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD). Plant and Soil 355:149-165


Agroecology – Africa, Vietnam and Iran

Voss, R.C., Jansen, T., Mané, B.and C. Shennan. 2021. Encouraging technology adoption using ICTs and farm trials in Senegal: Lessons for gender equity and scaled impact. World Development 146(1):105620 DOI:10.1016/j.worlddev.2021.105620

Lovell, R., Shennan, C. and N.N. Thuy. 2021. Sustainable and conventional intensification: how gendered livelihoods influence farming practice adoption in the Vietnamese Mekong River Delta. Environment Development and Sustainability 23(1). DOI:10.1007/s10668-020-00905-9

Eldon, J., Dobasin, D., Jobe, B., Saefo’a, C., and Shennan, C. 2020. On-farm trials identify adaptive management options for rainfed agriculture in West Africa. Agricultural Systems. 182:102819

Fatemi, M,. K. Rezaei-Moghaddam, M.Wackernagel, C. Shennan. 2018. Sustainability of Environmental Management in Iran: An Ecological Footprint Analysis. Iran Agricultural Research. 37:53-68

Eldon, J., Shennan, C., Rapaport, P., Jansen, T., and Sidibeh, S. 2016. Better than best practices: Using farmer field trials to identify adaptive management options within complex agricultural systems. Proceedings International Farming Systems Association Symposium “Social and technological transformation in farming systems – Diverging and converging pathways”, Newport, U.K.

Tadesse, G. Zavaleta, E., Shennan, C., and Fitzsimmons, M. 2014. Local Ecosystem Service Use and Assessment Vary with Socio-ecological Conditions: A Case of Native Coffee-Forests in Southwestern Ethiopia. Human Ecology DOI: 10.1007/s10745-014-9704-2

Tadesse, G. Zavaleta, E., Shennan, C. 2014 Effects of land-use changes on woody species distribution and above-ground carbon storage of forest-coffee systems. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 197:21-30.

Tadesse, G. Zavaleta, E., Shennan, C., and Fitzsimmons, M. 2014. Prospects for forest-based ecosystem services in forest-coffee mosaics as forest loss continues in southwestern Ethiopia. Applied Geography 50(144):144–151.

Tadesse, G. Zavaleta, E., Shennan, C., and Fitzsimmons, M 2014. Policy and demographic factors shape deforestation patterns and socio-ecological processes in southwest Ethiopian coffee agroecosystems. Applied Geography 54:149–159.

Tadesse, G., Zavaleta, E. and Shennan, C. 2014. Coffee landscapes as refugia for native woody biodiversity as forest loss continues in southwest Ethiopia. Biological Conservation 69:384–391.

Krupnik, T.J., Rodenburg, J., Haden, V.R., Mbaye, D., and Shennan, C. 2013. Genotypic trade-offs between water productivity and weed competition under the System of Rice Intensification in the Sahel. Agricultural Water Management 115:156-166.

Shennan, C. and Sirrine, D. 2012 Maize legume relay intercrops in Malawi: meeting short and long term sustainability goals. Adv. in Agroecology. Microbial Ecology in Sustainable Agroecosystems. Ed. T.E Cheeke, D.C. Coleman and D.H. Wall. CRC Press

Krupnik, T.J., Shennan, C., Settle, W.H., Demont, M., Ndiayec, A.B., and Rodenburg, J. 2012 Improving irrigated rice production in the Senegal River Valley through on-farm experiential learning and innovation. Agricultural Systems109:101-112

Samberg, L. Shennan, C. and Zavaleta, E. 2012 Agricultural biodiversity in a changing landscape: farmer seed exchange and crop diversity. Human Ecology  41:477-485

Krupnik, T.J., Shennan, C., Mbaye, D. and Rodenburg, J. 2012. Water and nutrient use efficiency under conventional management and a water saving practice in the Sahel: multi-season effects of chemical fertilizer and straw applications. Field Crops Research 130:155-167

Sirrine, D., Shennan, C, and Sirrine, R.J. 2010. Comparing agroforestry systems’ adoption potential and ex post adoption. Agroforestry Journal 79:253-266

Sirrine, D., Shennan, C, Snapp, S.S., Kanyama-Phiri, G. and Kamanga, B. 2010. Agroforestry, Risk, and Vulnerability in Malawi. International J Agricultural Sustainability 8:290-304

Samberg, L. Shennan, C. and Zavaleta, E. 2010. Interacting human and environmental forces structure crop diversity in an Ethiopian highland agroecosystem. Professional Geographer 62:395-408


Agroecology – USA

Michuda, A., Goodhue, R.E., Muramoto, J., Shennan, C., Klonsky, K., Baird, G., Zavatta, M., and Toyama, L. 2018. The economic viability of suppressive crop rotations for the control of verticillium wilt in organic strawberry production. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 1-25.

Shennan, C., J. Muramoto, G. Baird, M. Zavatta, L. Toyama, A. Gershenson, M. Los Huertos, S. Kortman, K. Klonskey, M. Gaskell, S.T. Koike, R. Smith, and M. Bolda. 2015. CAL-Collaborative Organic Research and Extension Network: on-farm research to improve strawberry/vegetable rotation systems in coastal California. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS), In review.

Muramoto, J. 2015. Assessing Soil Health: A Perspective from Organic Strawberry Fields in California, U.S.A. Soil Microorganisms (in Japanese), In press.

Muramoto, J., Gliessman, S.R., Koike, S, Shennan, C., Klonsky, K. and Swezey, S.L. 2014. Integrated biological and cultural practices can reduce crop rotation period of organic strawberries. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 38:603-631

Pisani Gareau, T., Letourneau D.K. and C. Shennan. 2013. Relative densities of natural enemy and pest insects within California hedgerows. Environmental Entomology. 42(4):688-702

Muramoto, J., Gliessman, S.R., Shennan, C. et al. 2012. The Organic Research Network Project on the Central Coast of California Acta Horticulturae 1001:35-45.

Muramoto, J. and Gaskell, M. 2012 Nitrogen Management in Organic Strawberries. in Organic Strawberry Production Manual. pp.43-53. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, Oakland, CA

Muramoto, J. and Gliessman, S. R. 2012 Bioindicators: Farming Practices and Sustainability, In Encyclopedia of Environmental Management; S.E. Jorgensen, ed. Taylor & Francis: New York, 2013; Vol. I, 370–376

Muramoto, J., Smith, R., Shennan, C, Klonsky, K.M., Leap, J., Silva Ruiz, M and Gliessman S. R. 2011. Nitrogen Contribution of Legume/Cereal Mix Winter Cover Crops and Organic Fertilizers to an Organic Broccoli Crop. Hortscience 46:1154-1162

Sirrine, J.R, Letourneau, D.K., Shennan, C., Sirrine, D., Fouch, R., Jackson, L., and Mages A. 2008 Impacts of groundcover management systems on yield, leaf nutrients, weeds, and arthropods of tart cherry in Michigan, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems and the Environment 125:239-245

Pasakdee, S.J., Banuelos, G., Shennan, C. and W. Cheng.  2007 Organic N fertilizers and irrigation influence organic Broccoli production in two regions of California. Journal of Vegetable Science 12:.4, 27-46

Nieto, D.J., C. Shennan, W.H. Settle, R. O’Malley, S. Bros, and Jeffrey Y. Honda 2006. How Natural Enemies and Cabbage Aphid Population Dynamics Affect Organic Broccoli Harvest.   Environmental Entomology.  35: 94-101

Bull, C. T., Muramoto, J., Koike, S. T., Leap, J., Shennan, C., and Goldman, P.  2005. Strawberry cultivars and mycorrhizal inoculants evaluated in California organic production fields. Online. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2005-0527-02-RS

Shennan, T. Pisani Gareau and J.R. Sirrine. 2004. Agroecological Approaches to Pest Management in the U.S., in The Pesticide Detox: Solutions for Safe Agriculture, J. Pretty (Ed.), Earthscan Publications Ltd. London.

Shennan, C., C.L. Cecchettini, G.B. Goldman, F.G. Zalom. 2002. Profiles of California farmers by degree of IPM use as indicated by self -descriptions in a phone survey. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. Vol. 84 (3):267-275

Shennan, C. and C.A. Bode. 2001. Integrating Wetland Habitat With Agriculture.  IN: The Farm as a Natural Habitat. Laura L. Jackson and Dana Jackson (Eds.).

Tourte, L., R.L. Bugg and C. Shennan. 2000. Foliar-Applied Seaweed and Fish Powder Do Not Improve Yield and Fruit Quality of Organically Grown Processing Tomatoes. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture. Vol. 18:15-27.  

Mitchell, J.P., C. Shennan., M.J. Singer, D. Peters, R.O. Miller, T. Prichard, S.R. Grattan, J.D. Rhoades, D.M. May and D.S. Munk. 2000. Impacts of gypsum and winter cover crops on soil physical properties and crop productivity when irrigated with saline water. Agricultural Water Management. Vol. 45 (1):55-71

Clark, M.S., W.R. Horwarth, C. Shennan, K.M. Scow, W.T. Lanini and H. Ferris. 2000.  Nitrogen, weeds and water as yield-limiting factors in conventional, low-input and organic tomato systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. Vol. 73:257-70.

Mitchell, J.P., C.D. Thomsen, W.L. Graves and C. Shennan. 2000. Cover crops for saline soils. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. Vol. 183:167-178.

Shennan, C., and W. M. Jarrell. 1999. Assessing sustainability of a managed multi-use ecosystem: a case study of wetland and cropland management in the Tulelake National Wildlife Refuge, California. IN: Suteera Nagavajara (Ed.) Agriculture and Ecological Resilience: Striking a balance in the Pacific Rim. First Asia-Pacific Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, Beijing, October 1998. AAAS.

Mitchell, J.P. D.W. Peters and C. Shennan. 1999. Changes in soil water storage in winter fallowed and cover cropped soils. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. Vol. 15:19-31

Cavero, J., R.E. Plant, C. Shennan, D.B. Friedman, J.R. Williams, J.R. Kiniry, and V.W. Benson. 1999. Modeling Nitrogen Cycling in Tomato-Safflower and Tomato-Wheat Rotations. Agricultural Systems. Vol. 60: 123-135

Clark, M.S., W.R. Horwarth, C. Shennan, K.M. Scow. 1998. Changes in soil chemical properties resulting from organic and low-input farming practices. Agronomy Journal. Vol. 90:662-671

Cavero, J., R.E. Plant and C. Shennan. 1998. Application of epic model to nitrogen cycling in irrigated processing tomatoes under different management systems. Agricultural Systems. Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 391-41.

Cavero, J., R.E. Plant, C. Shennan, D.B. Friedman. 1997. The effect of nitrogen source and crop rotation on the growth and yield of processing tomatoes. Nitrogen Cycling in Agroecosystems. Vol. 47: 271-282.

Hu, S., N. J. Grunwald, A.H.C. van Bruggen, G.R. Gamble, L.E. Drinkwater, C. Shennan, and M.W. Demment. 1997. Short-term effects of cover crop incorporation on soil carbon pools and nitrogen availability. Soil Science Society of America Journal. Vol. 61:901-911.

Letourneau, D.K., L.E. Drinkwater and C. Shennan. 1996. Effects of soil management on crop nitrogen and insect damage in organic vs. conventional tomato fields. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. Vol. 57:179-187

Roberson, E.B., S. Sarig, C. Shennan and M.K. Firestone. 1995. Nutritional management of microbial polysaccharide production and aggregation in an agricultural soil. Soil Science Society of America. Vol. 59:1587-1594

Drinkwater, L.E., F. Workneh, D.K. Letourneau, A.H.C. van Bruggen and C. Shennan. 1995. Fundamental differences between organic and conventional tomato agroecosystems in California. Ecological Applications. Vol. 5:1098-1112.

Scow, K.M., O. Somasco, N. Gunapala, S. Lau, R. Venette, H. Ferris, R. Miller and C. Shennan. 1994. Transition from conventional to low-input agriculture changes soil fertility and biology. California Agriculture. Vol. 45(5):20-26.

Stivers, L.J., C. Shennan, L.E. Jackson, K. Groody, C.J. Griffin and P.R. Miller. Winter cover cropping in vegetable production systems in California. IN: Proc. 2nd Annual International Symposium on Agroecology and Conservation in Temperate and Tropical Regions. University of Padova, Italy, 1990. Vol. I, Soil Biota and Nutrient Cycling in Farming Systems. pp. 227-240.

Shennan, C., L.E. Drinkwater, A.H.C. van Bruggen, D.K. Letourneau and F. Workneh. 1991. Comparative study of organic and conventional tomato production systems: An approach to on-farm systems studies. In: Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education in the Field, J.P. Madden (ed.), National Academy Press.


Water quality

Ruehl C.R, Fisher A.T., Los Huertos M., Shennan C., et al. 2007 Nitrate dynamics within the Pajaro River, a nutrient-rich, losing stream J. N. Am Benthological Society 26: 191-206

Ruehl C., Fisher, A.T., Hatch, C., Los Huertos, M., Stemler, G. and Shennan, C. 2006 Differential gauging and tracer tests resolve seepage fluxes in a strongly-losing stream. J. Hydrology 30: 235-248

Los Huertos, M. and C. Shennan.  2002. Soils. IN: Changes in a California Estuary: A Profile of Elkhorn Slough, J. Caffrey, M. Brown, and B. Tyler (Eds.).

Los Huertos, M., L.E. Gentry and C. Shennan. 2001. Land Use and Stream Nitrogen Concentrations in Agricultural Watersheds Along the Central Coast of California. IN: Optimizing Nitrogen Management in Food and Energy Production and Environmental Protection. Proceedings of the 2nd International Nitrogen Conference on Science and Policy. Scientific World 1


Salinity and Selenium management

Caines, A.M. and C. Shennan. Interactive effects of Ca2+ and NaCl salinity on the growth of two tomato genotypes differing in Ca2+ use efficiency. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. Vol. 37:569-576

Caines, A.M. and C. Shennan. 1999. Growth and nutrient composition of Ca2+ use efficient and Ca2+ use inefficient genotypes of tomato. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. Vol. 37:559-567.

Pezzarossa, B., D. Piccotino, C. Shennan, and F. Malorgio. 1999. Uptake and distribution of Selenium in tomato plants as affected by genotype and sulphate supply. Journal of Plant Nutrition. Vol. 22:1613-1635.

Shennan, C., S.R. Grattan, D.M. May, C.J. Hillhouse, D.P. Schachtman, M. Wander, B. Roberts, R.G. Burau, C. McNeish, L. Zelinski and S. Tafoya. 1995. Feasibility of cyclic reuse of saline drainage in a tomato-cotton rotation. Environmental Quality. Vol. 24:476-486.

Snapp, S.S. and C. Shennan. 1994. Salinity effects on root growth and senescence in tomato and the consequences for severity of Phytophthora root rot infection. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Vol. 119(3):458-463.

Snapp, S.S. and C. Shennan. Effects of salinity on root growth and death dynamics of tomato, 1992. Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. The New Phytologist. Vol. 121:71-79.

Snapp, S.S., C. Shennan and A.H.C. van Bruggen. 1992. Effects of salinity on severity of infection by Phytophthora parasitica Dast,. ion concentrations and growth of tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum. The New Phytologist. Vol. 119:275-284.

Mitchell, J.P., C. Shennan and S.R. Grattan. 1991. Developmental changes in tomato fruit composition in response to water deficit and salinity. Physiologia Plantarum. Vol. 83:177-185.

Abrams, M.M., C. Shennan, R.J. Zasoski and R.G. Burau. 1990. Selenomethionine uptake by wheat seedlings. Agronomy Journal. Vol. 82:1127-1130

Shennan, C., D.P. Schachtman and G.R. Cramer. 1990. Variation in [75]selenate uptake and partitioning among tomato cultivars and wild species. New Phytologist. Vol. 115:523-530.

Shennan, C. 1990. Growth and ionic relations of Lupinus albus. In: Membrane Transport in Plants and Fungi. M.J. Beilby, N.A. Walker and J.R. Smith (eds.). Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Plant Membrane Transport, Sydney 1986. University of Sydney Press

Grattan, S.G., C. Shennan, D.M. May and R.G. Burau. 1988. Effect of saline drainage water reuse on yield and accumulation of selenium in melon and tomato. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Special Publication: Selenium Content in Animal and Food Crops Grown in California.

Burau, R.G., A. McDonald, A. Jacobsen, D.M. May, S.R. Grattan, C. Shennan, B. Swanton, D. Scherer, M. Abrams, E. Epstein and V. Rendig. 1988. Selenium in tissues of crops sampled from the west side of the San Joaquin Valley, California. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Special Publication; Selenium Content in Animal Food Crops Grown in California.

Munns, R., M.L. Tonnet, C. Shennan and P.A. Gardner. 1988 Effect of high external NaCl concentration on ion transport within the shoot of Lupinus albus. II. Ions in phloem sap. Plant, Cell and Environment. Vol. 11:291-300.

Grattan, S.R., C. Shennan, D.M. May, J.P. Mitchell and R.G. Burau. 1987. Use of drainage water for irrigation of melons and tomatoes. California Agriculture. Vol. 41:27-28.

Shennan, C. 1987. Salt tolerance in Aster tripolium L. III. Na and K fluxes in intact seedlings. Plant, Cell and Environment. Vol. 10:75-81.

Shennan, C., R. Hunt and E.A.C. MacRobbie. 1987. Salt tolerance in Aster tripolium L. II. Ionic regulation. Plant, Cell and Environment. Vol. 10:67-74.

Shennan, C., R. Hunt and E.A.C. MacRobbie. 1987. Salt tolerance in Aster tripolium L. I. The effect of salinity on growth. Plant, Cell and Environment. Vol. 10:59-65.

Pitman, M.G. and C. Shennan.1984. Plant growth and ion uptake. In: W.J. Cram, K. Janacek, R. Rybova and K. Siegler (eds.). Membrane Transport in Plants. John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY. pp. 371-378